Monday 30 June 2014


The PTA did an awesome job planning a great night out for us. We really appreciated the help of so many parents who worked together to ensure we had a fun time.

Bianca looking extremely glamorous
Jackson showing off his moves                                                                                                       

Watch out Hannah, Emily's hair looks alive!!

Aimee, Marshall and Hannah enjoying the beats and the treats.

Cute ears Aimee!!

Marking homework this week has been especially rewarding. Claudia has gone to a great deal of trouble presenting her work.

It really does make marking a pleasure!

Thanks Claudia - Keep up the amazing work.
Then Lottie put the icing on the cake - well the chocolate chips in the cookies really, by not only reading recipes, but following through with one too. 
The proof sure was in the eating, they were delicious. 
I hope the kitchen looked as good too.
Thanks Lottie, you did an amazing job!
For PE we are currently skipping. There is a bit of a challenge going on between the girls and boys, as to who is best. This will be decided on which group masters 'Double Dutch' first. The boys are looking most likely at the moment.
The children are enjoying using skipping rhymes at the moment, so if you remember any we would love to hear them.
"Yes!!!!! I did it!!!!"

It's not all hard work - there is a bit of fun too

Look at this for movement in action

Claudia in action again

Luke in action

Kayla has been able to model how it is done right from the start

Way to go Elias - you can jump in, skip and run out.
Great work

Olly has all the moves!!
All concentration
Jess was extremely successful skipping using the crossover technique

The Kahurangi Dance Troupe performed the story of Matariki

The children were certainly captivated.
They really enjoyed the games they were taught to play.

Here the children were being taught a game called 'Paki paki'

Sunday 8 June 2014

Wairarapa College Students Enthral

We were privileged to have a talented group of Wairarapa College students come over and entertain us before the went off to perform in Wellington at "Big Sing".
I hope they did really well - they certainly had a captivated audience in us.
Not only did we learn about a number of instruments and the fun that can be had performing with friends but we also got to see a number of past students. It is wonderful pointing these young adults out - they really are excellent role models.
(Great to see you: Libby Oakly, Elena Smith-Beech, Grace O'Hagan, Rhiannon Gwyther, Lizzie Bysouth)

The range of music and collection of instruments was amazing.

Role Models:

 Libby Oakly - pianist
(Thrilled you are still playing Libby)
Elena Smith-Beech - singer/song writer 
(I loved your song Elena!)

 Lizzie Bysouth -singer and actress
(Pleased to see you haven't changed too much Lizzie!)

Grace O'Hagan - singer
(Mr Connor will be so proud)

Our students learnt about standing ovations to show their appreciation.

Hannah, Bridget, Charlotte and Emma were blown away by the vocal ability of the young lady below. (I was too)
They now know that it is okay to stand up at the end of a performance to show their appreciation.

Cultural Practise

Cultural Concert Practise has been a major focus over the last few weeks.
Not all of it looks like hard work. 
Daniel has worked hard to remain still. He looks as though he has perfected it here. 
Well done Daniel. The poppy looks really cool too.

Information Report Writing: 

We have been using scaffolds to help us learn the structure of an information report.

Tom is using his planning guide to help construct his report. His planning                                                                         sheet provided reminders to use macro statements and technical language.

Ally has completed her planning and is now constructing her information on Mushi Monsters. Her planning sheet has encouraged her to make notes as she has researcher her topic. A space was provided for technical language and the expansion of three macro statements. Spaces were also provided to plan for the use of illustrations and or diagrams.

 Jorja is using a planning sheet that allows her to choose macro statements and plan the ideas she might use to expand these ideas before she starts her information report.
Aimee is adding micro statements to her writing plan so all her ideas are together before she begins structuring her report.


Maths in Action

Julie Roberts - Maths Advisor

Working with a group of Room 2 children looking at multiplication and division

Father Julian brought mass to Room 2 - we were blessed in many ways

Those children who had readings read exceptionally well, using clear voices and great expression.

All the children sang beautifully.

We were blessed with a beautiful day and the added presences of Mrs Connor (and her guitar) and Mrs Mulligan.